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Enzymedica VeggieGest 90 C

Enzymedica VeggieGest 90 C

SKU: 670480201114
$39.99 Regular Price
$27.99Sale Price
THIS PRODUCT HAS A SPECIAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT Occasional gas and bloating often result from fermentation of food, like plant fiber, in the colon. VeggieGest™ contains a high-potency enzyme, Alpha Galactosidase, that is key in digesting the sugars from beans, grains, raw vegetables and other foods that create digestive discomfort.* VeggieGest may assist the body in breaking down and assimilating these foods, which takes stress off the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.* Recommended Use: 1 capsule with each meal. More may be taken as needed. Thera-blend™ is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels. Thera-blend enzymes have been shown to be three times stronger and work more than six times faster than leading digestive supplements.* For more information, visit NO FILLERS ADDED Carbohydrates are our main source of fuel that each of our cells need to function properly. Foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates are also rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients necessary for optimal health. But, because these healthy foods, vegetables, grains, seeds and beans, contain complex carbohydrates, they are often difficult to digest and may end up being fermented in the colon, resulting in uncomfortable gas and bloating. Supplementing with enzymes that break down and assimilate carbohydrates may reduce these occasional discomforts.* VeggieGestTM contains seven different types of enzymes that break down difficult-to digest carbohydrates such as fiber and related polysaccharides.* VeggieGest also contains a high-potency enzyme, alpha galactosidase, that is key in digesting the lectin-sugars from beans, grains, raw vegetables and other foods that create digestive discomfort.* VeggieGest may assist the body in breaking down and assimilating these foods, which takes stress off the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.* VeggieGest contains Thera-blendTM enzymes. Thera-blend is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels. Thera-blend enzymes have been shown to be three times stronger and work more than six times faster than leading digestive supplements.* For more information, visit Recommended Use: One capsule at the beginning of each meal. More may be taken as needed. Enzymedica does not use ingredients produced using biotechnology. Mayo Clinic Staff, “Nutrition and healthy eating - Healthy diet: End the guesswork with these nutrition guidelines." Mayo Clinic - Healthy Lifestyle. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 22 Feb 2011. Web. 27 Oct 2011.  <>.      
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